I expect that this story will go up in several posts simply due to all the stories that need to be told and because of the continual burden of work, school and family man. So, you'll just have to keep stopping by to see how the story goes as I manage to scribble it all down.
First of all, I had a great time in Ohio with all my immediate family. Both of my parents were there, Mom down from Michigan, Dad on his annual sojourn up above the Mason-Dixon line from Florida with his wife Carol. Next younger brother Tim came from Florida as well, I met him at the airport in Cleveland just as planned. Baby sister Melanie, with her hubby Mark and three offspring, Rachel, Joshua and Steven also came from Michigan. Melanie's blog is over the on the right, so we'll see what she has to say about the weekend soon enough. Youngest brother Peter still lives in Alliance, with his girlfriend Debby and we were all there to share in the celebration of the installation of brother Mark as the new pastor of Highland Church of God in Wooster Ohio.
The party actually revolved around Mark and his lovely wife Barb's house in Alliance. This house has been in the family since 1973 which is some kind of record for our family and soon its going to be readied for sale. That's a huge transition in the family right from the start!
So flying into Cleveland was uneventful and pleasant, all except for that 6:05 takeoff time that I've moaned about previously. My flight was right on time, Tim's flight was delayed nearly 30 minutes but we still found each other without any difficulty. We didn't make it to the rental car counter before staring with the "old guy" cracks, asking if I wasn't already getting a AARP discount!
Well, I wasn't getting any discount for my age but I did wrangle a decent discount on an upgrade from the lovely Dollar Rental Car assistant. I had booked a full-size car and was expecting a Chrysler product, because that's what Dollar has for rent. Except that I had a Taurus waiting for me! Yuck! Instead of a clone of the most deserving of being a rental car autos, I upgraded to a Dodge Magnum! Oh yeah! Much better. And, no, it wasn't a Hemi. Too bad about that.